The whole globe , interest has increased in growing and knowing about microdosing psilocybin mushrooms, whose advocates are pushing hard for legalization – and succeeding in places. We look into the science of these remarkable fungi.

What is microdosing?

As explained in previous pages Microdosing is the practice of consuming very small amounts of a psychedelic substance to improve mental aspects like creativity, calmness, mood, focus or motivation. Psychedelics include LSD, cannabis, mescaline, iboga, and the psilocybin found in magic mushrooms or magic truffles (the latter being our trade specialty).

Microdosing is a very different experience to tripping or getting high, because it involves taking such a low dose of the psychedelic in question that the effect on you, mentally and physically, is very subtle and unlikely to disrupt your day at all. The aim of microdosing is simply to make your day a little bit better – and sometimes a lot more productive (see our article about microdosing and knowledge about our guide provision ).

Meaning of magic mushrooms?

To dive deeper on this Modern research on magic mushrooms began in the 1960s – but it is likely that they were used by prehistoric people for rituals as long ago as 10 000 BC – you can research too

Most magic mushrooms are small mushrooms with long, pale stems and light- to mid-brownish caps but don’t get confused picking is dangerous you have to either be. Professional or have knowledge about it before going for hunting still most inedible mushrooms mix with the edible ones more reason we advise you buy the ones we’ve grown and which are properly grown . To continue Like the “truffle” part of the mushroom, which is a knobbly cluster of mycelium that develops below ground, the stem and cap of a magic mushroom contain active psychedelic compounds called baeocystin, psilocin, and, primarily, psilocybin.

There are hundreds of species of mushrooms containing psilocybin, but some of the most popular and renowned include Psilocybe cubensis (which is easy to cultivate indoors); the potent Psilocybe semilanceata (“Liberty cap”), and Psilocybe azurescens; also known as Flying Saucers, Blue Runners, Blue Angels, or Azzies. Meet more luminaries from the magic mushroom community here.

Take note: some magic mushrooms look a lot like poisonous mushrooms that grow in the same environment. We wouldn’t generally advise trying to pick wild magic mushrooms,
for this reason (if you insist, risk are worth taking but not the one that involves your life 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😉🤷🤔). There are a number of online stores that sell magic mushroom growing kits, and that is really a safer way to go. Which we sell all both grow kits spores and easier for you raw shrooms atleast we provide with best quality and you know how ours are grown safe and no chemicals added to grow fast which will in turn reduce the potency or do others to it

An aside: Did you know?

Mushroom-shaped stones made by ancient Mayans date back more than 2,000 years.
Rock art found in the Sahara dating back 9 000 years appears to depict hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Siberian shamans, who used to bring gifts of hallucinogenic mushrooms to households every winter, may be the origin of the Santa Claus myth.
Just one dose of magic mushrooms can make your mind more “open” for over a year.
In testing, magic mushrooms have been shown to dissolve the fear impulse in animals.

But not what we are here to discuss

Proper way to start microdose magic mushrooms

The first thing to do is to determine your dose, erring on the side of caution – “less is more”. It’s generally agreed that each microdose should be about 0.1 – 0.5 grams. Between 0.5 – 2 grams is considered to be a low “recreational” dose, while up to 3.5 grams is a “moderate” dose. With 3.5 grams or more, you would become “high” or even experience the beginning of some unpleasant effects. These measurements are for dried Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms and are discussed by Michelle Janikian in Double Blind. Remember that other magic mushroom species that differ in strength.

Also, when going by weight dried mushrooms may be ten times more potent than fresh mushrooms, because of the water content in the latter. On the other hand, many microdosers say they find fresh mushrooms more potent (
Our advice?

Your weight is essentially in microdosing

This is my own research over the years

7 years in to this journey and I have learnt a lot

I just listed the way people think it’s worked for them
It can also work but how I arrange the dose for those who I’m guiding

I ask for your weight and I calculate the ratio and also with other content I put in my capsules

For the content I will put it in the coaching segment for all to read and understand
Just start small, either way.for me your weight determines

Once you’ve decided on your first microdose, make sure conditions are right for you to be microdosing. That means you should be in a relaxed state of mind and are preferably somewhere quiet and peaceful, where you’ll have some time to yourself with little interruptions.
All this I can help you give you proper run down if you message me


When you take the microdose, you can simply chew the fresh or dried mushroom tissue. Not everyone likes the earthy taste, so you might want to opt for powdered dried mushrooms – it’s also easier to measure out microdoses on a micro-scale with powder – and mix the powder into water or juice (not beer or wine; we don’t recommend ever mixing alcohol and microdosing). You can also deposit mushroom powder into empty gelatin capsules and swallow the capsules.

It’s wise to follow a “protocol” when microdosing mushrooms, i.e. a safe and practical microdosing schedule that has been followed by other microdosers. The “father of modern psychedelics”, James Fadiman, developed this protocol, in which you microdose once every three days over the course of a month (Fadiman suggests taking smaller microdoses in the first two weeks, then increasing the dose in the next couple of weeks, if you’re not feeling any adverse effects). Meanwhile, Paul Stamets, a famous mycologist, suggests a schedule of five days on, using the “Stamets Stack”, a microdosing combination of two types of mushroom with Niacin added to the mix.

Should I have any concerns for my health?

The drawbacks of ingesting too high a dose of magic mushrooms range from distorted perceptions and hallucinations to anxiety, nausea, fear, and disorientation – but don’t worry; you’d need to have quite a lot, or be consuming one of the more powerful variants, like Psilocybe azurescens ; the effects of microdosing magic mushrooms should be mild indeed; the intention being to experience only gentle, positive changes to your mood and mental state.

Some people argue that magic mushrooms are unpredictable and could affect mood and behavior in a variety of different ways. Since we are primarily talking about microdosing mushrooms here, we don’t need to segue into a lengthy debate about the possible behavioral dangers of magic mushrooms.

Psilocybin is not physically addictive at all, meaning that if you stop the microdosing, you won’t experience withdrawal. However, it is still possible to become mentally addicted to it, if you are particularly habit-forming. Microdosing in phases – e.g. three weeks on, three weeks off, repeat – is a good way to help you avoid a consolidated habit from forming.

Also, it is advisable not to microdose everyday – we recommend one day on, two days off, during your microdosing phases. Those off-days will allow you to assess what effects the microdosing is having on you and, if necessary, to adjust your microdoses.

Although psilocybin mushrooms are considered to be relatively safe, especially in microdoses, it’s still risky to buy them from an illegal source, because you cannot confirm the purity and concentration of what you’re buying (you are quite safe, however, with our psilocybin truffles, which are pure fungal material, measured out and pre-packaged in small, microdose-sized doses).

Any reasons to worry about my health ?

The drawbacks of ingesting too high a dose of magic mushrooms range from distorted perceptions and hallucinations to anxiety, nausea, fear, and disorientation – but don’t worry; you’d need to have quite a lot, or be consuming one of the more powerful variants, like Psilocybe azurescens ; the effects of microdosing magic mushrooms should be mild indeed; the intention being to experience only gentle, positive changes to your mood and mental state.

Some people argue that magic mushrooms are unpredictable and could affect mood and behavior in a variety of different ways. Since we are primarily talking about microdosing mushrooms here, we don’t need to segue into a lengthy debate about the possible behavioral dangers of magic mushrooms.

Psilocybin is not physically addictive at all, meaning that if you stop the microdosing, you won’t experience withdrawal. However, it is still possible to become mentally addicted to it, depends on who guided you and the intact . if you are particularly habit-forming. Microdosing in phases – e.g. three weeks on, three weeks off, repeat – is a good way to help you avoid a consolidated habit from forming. Depends on your health
I give different regime on your health issues that’s my work

Also, it is advisable not to microdose everyday – we recommend one day on, two days off and so

Maybe 3 days on and 2 days or a day off just depends on your health issues as I mentioned

during your microdosing phases. Those off-days will allow you to assess what effects the microdosing is having on you and, if necessary, to adjust your microdoses.

Although psilocybin mushrooms are considered to be relatively safe, especially in microdoses, it’s still risky to buy them from an illegal source, but that’s why we are here we offer discreet delivery services and makes it easier to
Get with our stress

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To continue
because you cannot confirm the purity and concentration of what you’re buying (you are quite safe, however, with our psilocybin , which are pure fungal material, measured out and pre-packaged in small discreet , microdose-sized doses).

About the legal aspect

As with marijuana, the legislation around psilocybin is gradually showing signs of easing in various countries; certainly within the mental health sector. Health Canada recently granted exemptions to a number of nurses, doctors, therapists, and social workers, meaning they can now possess and use psilocybin mushrooms for personal experimentation, to assess the therapeutic benefits. In November 2020, Oregon made history by becoming the first U.S. state to legalize psilocybin and began laying out plans for regulating the substance’s use in therapy. When the USA starts loosening legislation on substances, it’s a good indicator that many other companies will follow.and in Colorado things are changing and also in Australia

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